Nov 23rd and 24th 2018
Großer Übungsraum in the Department of Classical Philology (Room 0.376), Humboldtallee 19, Göttingen
Organisation: sub-project D 01

Nov 23rd and 24th 2018
Großer Übungsraum in the Department of Classical Philology (Room 0.376), Humboldtallee 19, Göttingen
Organisation: sub-project D 01
Oktober 11th/12th, Conference center Alte Mensa, Wilhelmsplatz 3, Göttingen
Organisation: Chiara Meccariello, Jennifer Singletary
Dr. Lisa K. Horvath (Graz): "Gendergerechte_re Sprache"
Gender-neutral language is a polarizing topic: For some people it is an important instrument for equalization, for others it´s a complicated and unnecessary untertaking...
10.10.2018, 09:30–10:30
Conference "Rabbinic Instruction in Context: Perspectives on the Transmission of Religious Knowledge and Praxis in Antiquity and Late Antiquity"
18./19. September 2017
June 20th/21st 2018, Historical Building of the SUB, Alfred-Hessel-Saal, Papendiek 14, Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Menahem Kister (Jerusalem): "Textual Growth and Midrash, Anthropology and Eschatology: Some Aspects of Ruah (ha-)Qodesh at Qumran and Ancient Christianity"
June 1st 2018, 14:00
Symposium "Ethical Instruction as Educational Discourse: Thought and Impact of the Classical Muslim Thinker Miskawayh (d. 1030) between Reception and Transformation", May 24th till 27th 2018, Conference Hotel Freizeit In, Dransfelder Str. 3, Göttingen
Organisation: sub-project D 03 (Sebastian Günther, Yassir El Jamouhi), Contact
Guest Lecture Prof. Steve Rapp (Sam Houston State University): "The Cross-Cultural Matrix of Georgia's Christianization“
2018, May 9, 18:15
Theologicum, Room 0.135
Sub-project A 02, Contact