Theology/Church History
C 05 The Christian Catechumenate from Late Antiquity to Early Medieval Times and Its Reception in Modern Pedagogics of Religion
Theology/Church History
C 05 The Christian Catechumenate from Late Antiquity to Early Medieval Times and Its Reception in Modern Pedagogics of Religion
Theology/Religious Education
C 05 The Christian Catechumenate from Late Antiquity to Early Medieval Times and Its Reception in Modern Pedagogics of Religion
Theology/New Testament
B 02 Scriptural Exegesis as Educational Process in Paul’s Letters
Coordination and Administration
Z 01 Central Tasks - E-Research
Theology/Old Testament
B 01 Scriptural Exegesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran)
Classical Philology
C 02 The Ancients in Mind: Religious and Antiquarian Transfer of Knowledge in the Educational Compendia of the Second Century CE
Classical Philology
D 01 Religious Knowledge in Discourse: Cicero’s Dialogues on Philosophy of Religion
Theology/Church History
C 04 Communication of Education in Late Antique Christianity: Teachers’ Roles in Parish, Family and Ascetical Community
C 05 The Christian Catechumenate from Late Antiquity to Early Medieval Times and Its Reception in Modern Pedagogics of Religion
Classical Philology
D 01 Religious Knowledge in Discourse: Cicero’s Dialogues on Philosophy of Religion
Arabic and Islamic Studies
D 03 Ethical Instruction as Educational Discourse: The Muslim Moral Philosopher and Historian Miskawaih (d. 1030) between Reception and Transformation
Classical Philology
Project Area C (early career programme): Gods and Heroes in the Classroom. Myth, Religion and Education in Graeco-Roman Egypt
B 05 Scriptural Exegesis and Educational Traditions in Coptic-Speaking Egyptian Christianity in Late Antiquity: Shenoute, Canon 6
Theology/Church History
C 05 The Christian Catechumenate from Late Antiquity to Early Medieval Times and Its Reception in Modern Pedagogics of Religion
Theology/Church History
C04 Communication of Education in Late Antique Christianity: Teachers’ Roles in Parish, Family and Ascetical Community
Classical Greek Philology
A 02 Education and Religion in Christian Libraries in Late Antiquity
Appointee for the promotion of early career researchers
Classical Philology
C 02 The Ancients in Mind: Religious and Antiquarian Transfer of Knowledge in the Educational Compendia of the Second Century CE
Theology/New Testament
B 02 Scriptural Exegesis as Educational Process in Paul’s Letters
Theology/Old Testament
B 01 Scriptural Exegesis in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran)
Classical Archaeology
A 01 Archaeology of Ancient Libraries: Religion, Representation, Storerooms of Knowledge
Arabic and Islamic Studies
D 03 Ethical Instruction as Educational Discourse: The Muslim Moral Philosopher and Historian Miskawaih (d. 1030) between Reception and Transformation
Medieval History
A 04 Religious Reception and Christian Transformation of Non-Religious Knowledge in the Carolingian Era
Theology/Church History
D 05 Profiling Religious Identity in Learned Discourses. The Role of Education in References of 12th-century Christian Authors to Jews and Muslims
Religious Studies
A 03 Pagan Religion and Philosophy in ‘Virtual Libraries‘: Late Antique Compendia and Encyclopaedic Works
Ancient History
C 01 Enlightened Men – Superstitious Women? Religion, Education and Stereotypes of Gender in Classical Athens