SFB 1136 - Publications

Olga Lorgeoux

Olga Lorgeoux

Religiöse Bildungsprozesse in den Taufkatechesen Kyrills von Jerusalem (SERAPHIM 17), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2023.

Published in German.
The political changes and theological debates of the fourth century influenced and transformed the catechetical practice of late antique Christianity. The catechetical Lectures of Cyril of Jerusalem reveal that in mid-fourth century Jerusalem the process of becoming a Christian was mainly understood as a process of religious education. In this study, Olga Lorgeoux analyses both the contents that were transmitted to those who were about to be baptized and how the educational process was legitimized in pedagogical terms.
Konrad Otto

Konrad Otto

Die Mose-Exodus-Tradition in den Korintherbriefen. Schriftrezeption und -verarbeitung "zwischen den Welten" (SERAPHIM), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2023.

Published in German.
References to biblical traditions are an essential part of the Corinthian correspondence. By taking two extensive references to the Exodus tradition of Moses, Konrad Otto examines the extent to which scriptural references serve to mediate between Paul's intellectual world and that of his addressees.
Dorothee Schenk

Dorothee Schenk

Monastische Bildung. Johannes Cassians Collationes Patrum (SERAPHIM 16), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2023.

Published in German.
In his Collationes Patrum , John Cassian acts as intermediary between different theological and monastic traditions. Dorothee Schenk shows how he connects various – both skeptical and positive – estimations about the value of (traditional) education for monastic life. In doing so, he not only discusses education theoretically but also initiates and accompanies concrete processes of spiritual formation.
Chiara Meccariello, Jennifer Singletary (Hg.)

Chiara Meccariello, Jennifer Singletary (Hg.)

Uses and Misuses of Ancient Mediterranean Sources. Erudition, Authority, Manipulation (SERAPHIM 12), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2022.

This interdisciplinary collection of essays explores the use and manipulation of ancient textual sources from different settings across the ancient Mediterranean as a key to understanding the dissemination of religious and mythological knowledge in different historical contexts. In a series of case studies focusing on texts and artifacts from ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, and Rome, and their ancient as well as modern reuse, this volume displays multiple approaches to and perspectives on strategies of incorporation of derivative materials in antiquity and beyond.
Christina Bünger

Christina Bünger

Briefliches Zitieren bei Paulus und Cicero. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zu den Korintherbriefen (SERAPHIM 15), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2022.

Published in German.
Letters were an important means of communication in antiquity. In this work, Christina Bünger provides insight into the use of quotations in ancient letters, using Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians and Cicero's collected letters as examples. In doing so, she studies how the authors' and the recipients' backgrounds influenced the use of the quotations.
Peter Gemeinhardt

Peter Gemeinhardt

"Bildung – Theologie – Bildungsreligion: Christentumsgeschichtliche Perspektiven"

In: Bildung, ed. Bernd Schröder (Themen der Theologie 14), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2021, 65–103.

Peter Gemeinhardt

Peter Gemeinhardt

"Den Heiden eine Torheit"? Bildung im paulinischen Schrifttum und im frühen Christentum

In: Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie 35 (2020), 209-239.

Sebastian Günther, Yassir El Jamouhi (Hg.)

Sebastian Günther, Yassir El Jamouhi (Hg.)

Islamic Ethics as Educational Discourse. Thought and Impact of the Classical Muslim Thinker Miskawayh (d. 1030) (SERAPHIM 14), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2021.

This edited volume offers expert insights into core questions of ethics, education, and religion during what is often termed the »Golden Age« of Islamic culture and intellectual history. It focuses on the scholarly oeuvre of the Muslim philosopher and historian Miskawayh (d. 1030), who is known in the contemporary Muslim world as the »founder of Islamic ethics«. Written by internationally renowned scholars in Islamic studies, the chapters trace the significance of ancient Greek, Iranian, and Arabic intellectual traditions, among others, in the Islamic educational discourse. They also show how historical research on concepts of education and ethics specific to religion and culture can help find answers to key issues in contemporary societies.  
Irene Salvo, Tanja S. Scheer (Hg.)

Irene Salvo, Tanja S. Scheer (Hg.)

Religion and Education in the Ancient Greek World (SERAPHIM 13), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2021.

The present volume explores the interdependent relationship between religion, education, and knowledge in ancient Greek cultures. While in modern scholarship Greek religion has been widely studied as embedded in society, the socio-religious aspects of education and knowledge have not yet been investigated in depth. The essays look for contexts, agents, and media through which religion, education, and knowledge were shared and transmitted within and beyond a community. The chronological framework extends from the classical period to late antiquity and covers the eastern and part of the western Greek Mediterranean. Examining a diverse range of evidence from both literary sources and material culture, this volume highlights the variety of Greek religious education and the comprehensive baggage of knowledge required for performing rituals. 
Sebastian Günther, Florian Wilk (Hg.)

Sebastian Günther, Florian Wilk (Hg.)

Lesen, Deuten und Verstehen?! Debatten über heilige Texte in Orient und Okzident (SERAPHIM 10), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2020.

Authoritative texts, often described as »Holy Scriptures«, have had close links to the advancement of cultures and religions since ancient times. Many of these texts bear witness to a »canon of human development and education«, the understanding of which is highly relevant for current discussions about education and religion in Europe and the Western world at large. Published in German. 
Peter Gemeinhardt, Tanja S. Scheer (Hg.)

Peter Gemeinhardt, Tanja S. Scheer (Hg.)

Autorität im Spannungsfeld von Bildung und Religion (SERAPHIM 9), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2020.

Constructions of authority played an important role in education in pre-modern cultures, where they supported claims of truth and aided the transfer of religious knowledge. By venturing onto this field of tension and competing interests, the contributions in this volume garner insights into the inner dynamics of cultures in and around the Mediterranean. Published in German. 
Florian Wilk (Hg.)

Florian Wilk (Hg.)

Paul and Moses. The Exodus ans Sinai Traditions in the Letters of Paul (SERAPHIM 11), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2020.

Within the framework of Paul's use of Scripture, the contexts of biblical narratives are of great significance, although this has long been underestimated. This conference volume deals with the reception of traditions about Moses in the letters of the apostle to the Gentiles, especially the exodus and Sinai traditions. It focuses on the important and much-discussed passages about the danger of idolatry in 1 Corinthians 10 as well as on the glory of Paul's apostolic ministry in 2 Corinthians 3. The collected essays are methodologically oriented towards the issue of the relationship between education/formation and religion, and they thus perceive Paul's use and interpretation of those biblical traditions as a process of religious education. Tradition-historical backgrounds and the contexts of the situations are also taken into consideration, as well as literary structures and communicative intentions.
Marc Hirshman, David Satran (Hg.)

Marc Hirshman, David Satran (Hg.)

Rabbinic Study Circles. Aspects of Jewish Learning in its Late Antique Context (SERAPHIM 8), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2020.

Taking account of a wide range of literary evidence and the most recent scholarship on the nature of education in Rabbinic Judaism of late antiquity, these studies examine new and varied aspects of the scriptural and intellectual infrastructure of the educational ethos, the tension between oral tradition and literary practice, and the central role of the rabbinic sage as pedagogical innovator and model. They also study the underlying influence of social and economic factors, the evolution of teaching techniques and frameworks, and the formative role of both midrashic mentality and mythopoetic currents. With an eye on the broader contexts of Greco-Roman culture and emergent Christianity, these essays follow the development of rabbinic ideas and institutions from the first centuries of the Common Era in Palestine through the flowering of centers of learning centuries later in Babylonia.
Christoph Brunhorn, Peter Gemeinhardt, Maria Munkholt Christensen (Hg.)

Christoph Brunhorn, Peter Gemeinhardt, Maria Munkholt Christensen (Hg.)

Narratologie und Intertextualität. Zugänge zu spätantiken Textwelten (SERAPHIM 7), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2020.

Wie kann man vom Heiligen erzählen? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes nehmen Texte über christliche Heilige (Antonius, Martin von Tours, Hilarion, Genovefa u.a.) in den Blick. Sie fragen nach Erzählstrategien innerhalb dieser Texte, aber auch nach Beziehungen hagiographischer Texte untereinander und zu anderen Texten im Christentum und in der griechisch-römischen Literatur. Dabei werden Modelle der Erforschung von Narratologie und Intertextualität erprobt und im Blick auf Heiligenviten fortentwickelt. Dabei ergeben sich zum einen Einblicke in eine Fülle bewusst eingesetzter literarischer Mittel, um den oder die Heilige*n der Leserschaft plausibel zu machen, zum anderen wird das dichte Netz intertextueller Beziehungen deutlich, in dem von Heiligkeit erzählt, aber auch darüber reflektiert wurde. Die Kunst des "Heilig-Schreibens" in der Spätantike wird so literarisch und theologisch neu profiliert. 
Matthias Becker

Matthias Becker

Lukas und Dion von Prusa. Das lukanische Doppelwerk im Kontext paganger Bildungsdiskurse (Studies in Cultural Contexts of the Bible 3), Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh 2020.

Der Verfasser des lukanischen Doppelwerks zählt unangefochten zu den gebildetsten neutestamentlichen Autoren. Doch inwiefern lassen sich seine Texte auch in die paganen Gebildetendiskurse seiner Zeit einordnen?
Matthias Becker geht dieser Frage auf breiter Quellenbasis nach, indem er erstmals das Lukasevangelium und die Apostelgeschichte zu den Schriften des Redners und philosophischen Wanderpredigers Dion von Prusa in Beziehung setzt. Mittels vergleichender Begriffs - und Motivanalysen, verschränkter Lektüren und eines heuristischen Leserkonstrukts arbeitet die Studie diskursive Überschneidungen hinsichtlich rhetorischer, ethischer und theologischer Themen heraus. So wird nicht nur ein neuer Blick auf die Inkulturation des lukanischen Christentums möglich. Die Partizipation an zeitgenössischen Bildungsdiskursen lässt vielmehr auch die Konturen einer Bildungsreligion erkennen, die sich im Doppelwerk ein frühes Denkmal setzt.

Peter Kuhlmann, Valeria Marchetti (Hg.)

Peter Kuhlmann, Valeria Marchetti (Hg.)

Cicero im Rahmen der römischen Bildungskultur (SERAPHIM 6), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2020.

Ciceros Philosophie vermittelte im Rom der ausgehenden Republik vielfältige innovative Impulse – insbesondere zu Fragen der Bildung und der Religion. Im vorliegenden Band werden besonders Aspekte griechischer und römischer Bildung in Ciceros Werk aus verschiedenen altertumswissenschaftlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet.

Peter Gemeinhardt

Peter Gemeinhardt

Teaching the Faith in Early Christianity: Divine and Human Agency.

In: Vigiliae Christianae 74 (2020), S. 129–164. Brill

Peter Gemeinhardt (Hg.)

Peter Gemeinhardt (Hg.)

Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne? (SERAPHIM 4), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2019.

Bildung ist in der Gegenwart, aber auch schon in der Vormoderne ein »Megathema«. Der vorliegende Band bietet Einblicke in das Bildungshandeln von Religionskulturen von der Antike bis zum Mittelalter und zum Klassischen Islam. Dies trägt auch zur geschärften Wahrnehmung heutiger Probleme und Potenziale von Bildung bei.

Gabriela Ryser

Gabriela Ryser

Education, Religion, and Literary Culture in the 4th Century CE. A Study of the Underworld Topos in Claudian’s De raptu Proserpinae. (Beiträge zur Europäischen Religionsgeschichte (BERG) 7), Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020.

This book contextualizes Claudian’s handling of the Proserpina myth and the underworld in the history of literature and religion while showing intersections with and differences between the literary and religious uses of the underworld topos. In doing so, the study provides an incentive to rethink the dichotomy of the terms ‘religious’ and ‘non-religious’ in favour of a more nuanced model of references and refunctionalisations of elements which are, or could be, religiously connotated. A close philological analysis of De raptu Proserpinae identifies the sphere of myth and poetry as an area of expressive freedom, a parallel universe to theological discourses (whether they be pagan-philosophical or Christian), while the profound understanding and skilful use of this particular sphere – a formative aspect of European religious and intellectual history – is postulated as a characteristic of the educated Roman and of Claudian’s poetry.

Laura V. Schimmelpfennig, Reinhard G. Kratz (Hg.)

Laura V. Schimmelpfennig, Reinhard G. Kratz (Hg.)

Zahlen- und Buchstabensysteme im Dienste religiöser Bildung (SERAPHIM 5), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019

Zahlen und Buchstaben konstruieren nicht nur unsere Welt, sondern stiften ebenso kulturelle und religiöse Wirklichkeiten. Der vorliegende Band widmet sich erstmals verschiedenartigen Zahlen- und Buchstabensystemen aus dem Bereich des historischen Mittelmeerraums und deren Implikationen für religiöse Bildung.

Florian Wilk (Hg.)

Forian Wilk (ed.)

Scriptural Interpretation at the Interface between Education and Religion. In Memory of Hans Conzelmann (Themes in Biblical Narrative. Jewish and Christian Traditions Vol. 22), Leiden/Boston: Brill 2019, X + 358 pp.

Matthias Becker

Matthias Becker

Die Bedrohung der Polis. Hesiods „Werke und Tage“ als Zeugnis literarischer Bedrohungskommunikation (Bedrohte Ordnungen Bd. 9), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018, X +243 Seiten

[The Threat of the Polis. Literary Threat Communication in Hesiod's Works and Days.]

Peter Gemeinhardt

Peter Gemeinhardt

Bildung und Religion als interdisziplinäres Forschungsthema: Ein neuer Sonderforschungsbereich in Göttingen und seine Agenda

In: Theologische Literaturzeitung 142 (2017) 3, col. 164-179

Peter Gemeinhardt

Peter Gemeinhardt

Education and Religion in Cultures of the Mediterranean and Its Environment from Ancient to Medieval Times and to the Classical Islam. Collaborative Research Centre at the University of Göttingen

In: Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies 4 (2017), pp. 325-332