Theology and anthropology in the Iliad and Odyssey. Images of gods and humans in archaic times
Greek tragedy
Antique epistolary literature
The "roman réaliste" in French and German 19th century literature (Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert, Maupassant; Storm, Fontane)
Academic career
10/2017-06/2019 academic research assistant in the Collaborative Research Centre 1136 Education and Religion, sub-project B 02: Scriptural Exegesis as Educational Process in Paul’s Letters
03/2016-06/2017 research fellow in the Collaborative Research Centre 1136 Education and Religion, sub-project D 02: Religion in Educated Discourse: The Evangelist Luke and the Orator Dion of Prusa (Prof. Dr. Reinhard Feldmeier); research project "Sexualethik in den Paulusbriefen im Kontext der hellenistischen Bildungsdiskurse: 1 Kor 5-7 und der Stoiker Musonius Rufus"
2006-2012 doctoral program "Langues, Histoire et Civilisations des Mondes Anciens"; member of the research center "Histoire et Sources des Mondes Antiques" (HiSoMA) at "Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée" (MOM) (Université Lumière Lyon II)
2006-2012 doctoral program in Theology, emphasis: exegesis of the New Testament" (Université Catholique de Lyon)
Academic degrees
06/2012 doctorate in "Langues, Histoire et Civilisations des Mondes Anciens", Université Lumière Lyon II (doctoral thesis: Der Gebrauch der 1. Person Plural in der griechischen Literatur)
06/2012 doctorate in "Théologie, Exégèse du Nouveau Testament", Université Catholique de Lyon (doctoral thesis: Stilistische, rhetorische und theologische Analyse der Argumentation des 2. Korintherbriefs, Kap. 10-13)
06/2006 Master of Theology, UCLy, Lyon
06/2000 Certificat d'hébreu biblique, SIDIC, Paris
06/1997 Licence de Lettres Classiques, Sorbonne, Paris
Juni 1985: admission to the École Centrale Paris
1983-1985 : four semesters studies in Mathematics/Physics (Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles d'Ingénieurs), Lycée Privé Sainte Geneviève, Versailles