10/2019–06/2020 research assistant at the Collaborative Research Centre 1136, sub-project A 03: Pagan Religion and Philosophy in ‘Virtual Libraries: Late Antique Compendia and Encyclopaedic Works
01/2016-06/2019 research assistant and lecturer at the Institute for the Study of Religion, University of Göttingen
10/2010-12/2015 research assistant at the Courant Research Centre EDRIS, University of Göttingen
2007-2009 teacher training (LDS II, equivalent to High School teaching), University of Fribourg (CH)
2000-2006 Master studies in Latin Language and Literature (major), English Philology and Linguistics (minor), Greek Language and Literature (minor), University of Fribourg (CH)
Academic Degrees
2018 PhD in Latin Philology; thesis: Pagan Education, Religion, and Literary Culture in the 4th Century CE: A Study of the Underworld Topos in Claudian’s De raptu Proserpinae (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Ilinca Tanaseanu-Doebler, Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlmann, Prof. Dr. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath)
2009 Teaching Diploma (LDS II, equivalent to High School teaching diploma) in Latin and English
2006 Master of Arts; thesis: „aliud amico, aliud omnibus scribere“? Ein sprachlich-stilistischer Vergleich typologisch verwandter Briefe aus den Büchern I-IX und Buch X von Plinius dem Jüngeren (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Margarethe Billerbeck)