Dissertation topic: "Religiöse Bildungsprozesse im spätantiken Katechumenat - untersucht an den katechetischen Schriften Kyrills von Jerusalem"
Academic career
Since 12/2015 part of the Collaborative Research Centre 1136, associated with the sub-projects C 04: "Communication of Education in Late Antique Christianity: Teachers’ Roles in Parish, Family and Ascetical Community" and C 05: "The Christian Catechumenate from Late Antiquity to Early Medieval Times and Its Reception in Modern Pedagogics of Religion"
Since 07/2014 scholarship holder of the Evangelischen Studienwerk Villigst
Since 01/2014 graduate research assistant for Prof. P. Gemeinhardt, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Faculty of Theology
2008-2013 studies in Spanish and Protestant religious education (teaching) at Georg-August-University Göttingen
Academic degrees
2013 Master of Education at Georg-August-University Göttingen, Master thesis: "Das Menschenbild der Antonius-Briefe auf dem Hintergrund der Anthropologie des Origenes"
2011 Bachelor of Education at Georg-August-University Göttingen, Bachelor thesis: "Die Menschenschöpfung in den altorientalischen Mythen und der biblischen Genesis"